Marcal Toilet Paper .99
(4) Baby Wipes $4.69 each
Shop Rite Vitamins $2.19
Subtotal $21.94
Tax $1.19
Total $23.13
Coupons used:
$5.00 off your next order that I got from the P&G deal a few days ago
.99 off Marcal Toilet Paper FREE ITEM Coupon
Total after coupons $17.14 OOP
Then I got back a $10.00 off coupon
Transaction #2

Marcal Toilet paper .99
Tyson Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast $1.99lb
Grapes $1.49lb
(12) La Yogurt .29 each
(9) WW Smart Ones .99 each
(1) WW Smart Ones $1.69 (I messed up, it must have been 4 per variety)
(2) WW Smart One Sandwiches $2.50 each
1 Gallon Milk $2.69
Subtotal $32.31
Tax .06
Total $32.37
Coupons Used:
.99 off Marcal Toilet Paper FREE ITEM Coupon
$4.00 off 10 WW Items
(2) Free WW Sandwich when you buy 3 items
$1.50 off La Yogurt when you buy 12
$10.00 off your next purchase coupon that I got in Transaction #1
Total after coupons: $10.88 OOP
So altogether my OOP with both Transactions was $28.02
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